Friday 10 February 2017

Week without Wifi - Follow up

Doug Peterson included my recent blog post about a week without wifi in his round up of This Week In Ontario Edublogs:

What a scary thought.  Lisa Cranston elected to not spend the $80/week to get connected during a recent holiday.
When she left, the other guest turned the TV off. Until then, I didn’t realize how much extra stress the news about Trump and his various actions had been adding to my life. Pierre Elliot Trudeau said that living next to the US is like sleeping with an elephant – we are affected by every twitch and grunt.
This was the third time that Trudeau’s comment about the elephant crossed my path this week.
In my conversation with Stephen, he made the connection to his Unpluggdexperience a few years ago.
We both agreed that we would have paid the $80.

I responded to him that it was the best $80 I never spent. I wasn't completely without internet.   I still used my hubby's data plan on his phone to check in with my daughters once or twice a day, but that was it.  And it was so relaxing!!!!!

Since returning from vacation I've gotten back into the habit of waking up and going online - I check the headlines in the local newspaper, I check Twitter and Facebook, and before I know it the morning is almost done and I'm still in my pyjamas.  I don't want to go back to being completely unplugged, but I need to work at a better balance of plugged/unplugged time. 
I find that I wake up with my mind full of thoughts and ideas and I just have to write them down before they're gone.  Which leads to logging onto the computer and never leaving!  
I'm not sure what the solution is, but I'll keep searching for balance.

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