Saturday 10 December 2016

What's in a name?

Previously this blog was titled Leading In Education but, after some reflection, I have changed the name to Opening Doors for Learning.  Why?

When I started this blog, my intended audience was other 'leaders' in education - teachers, ECEs, librarians, administrators, professors - anyone who guides and supports others in their learning.  But that hasn't really captured what my learning has been about and the title didn't reflect where I am currently in my learning and practice.

Since retirement, I've spent time volunteering in a Grade 3 classroom and I'm learning so much from the teacher and from the students.  Recently, I've been invited to participate in a collaborative inquiry project with some kindergarten teachers who are looking at ways to support Syrian refugee children who have arrived in their classes.  I've also been taking online courses for my Doctorate program through the Western University (formerly the University of Western Ontario) and learning so much from the other participants in my classes as well as from the professors and the readings.

In addition, I'm taking an online course on Self-Regulation through the MEHRIT centre and learning so much about self-regulation in the five domains.  Again, learning from the videos, the reading, the supplementary materials and discussion with other participants has been amazing.

So Opening Doors for Learning is about other educators opening their doors, deprivatizing their practice and allowing me and others into their classrooms to learn alongside them and their students.  It's about opening our minds to the idea that we don't have it all figured out and that there is always something new to learn.  And the door also represents that this new learning may lead to someplace new and unexpected.  We never know what might be behind the next door.

(image from

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